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CARD4/NOD1 is not involved in inflammatory bowel disease.
Genetic refinement and physical mapping of a chromosome 16q candidate region for inflammatory bowel disease. Eur J Hum Genet
Zouali H, Chamaillard M, Lesage S, Cezard JP, Colombel JF, Belaiche J, Almer S, Tysk C, Montague S, Gassull M, Christensen S, Finkel Y, Gower-Rousseau C, Modigliani R, Macry J, Selinger-Leneman H, Thomas G,…
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Association of NOD2 leucine-rich repeat variants with susceptibility to Crohn’s disease.Nature.
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Health-related quality of life in Crohn’s disease: a prospective longitudinal study in 231 patients. Am J Gastroenterol.
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