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Standardizing terms definitions and concepts for describing and interpreting unwanted immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals: recommendations of the Innovative Medicines Initiative ABIRISK consortium.

B Rup , M Pallardy , D Sikkema , T Albert , M Allez , P Broet , C Carini , P Creeke , J Davidson , N De Vries , D Finco ,…
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Detection of Dysplasia or Cancer in 3.5% of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colonic Strictures

Fumery M, de Chambrun GP, Stefanescu C, Buisson A, Bressenot A, Beaugerie L, Amiot A, Altwegg R, Savoye G, Abitbol V, Bouguen G, Simon M, Duffas JP, Hébuterne X, Nancey S, Roblin X, Leteurtre…
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