P Marteau, M Lémann, P Seksik, D Laharie, JF Colombel, Y Bouhnik, G Cadiot, JC Soulé, A Bourreille, EH Metman, E Lerebours, F Carbonnel, JL Dupas, M Veyrac, JY Mary and the GETAID
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Ineffectiveness of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsonii LA1 in preventing recurrence after curative resection for Crohn’s disease – A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled.
Azathioprine withdrawal in patients with Crohn diseases (CD) maintained o,n prolonged remissionunder treatmaent is associated with a high risk of relapse.
X Treton Sr, Y Bouhnik, JY Mary, JF Colombel, B Duclos, JC Soulé, R Modigliani, M Lémann
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Infliximab in steroid dependent crohn’s disease patients treated with azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine: a randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial.
M Lémann, JF Colombel, B Duclos, M Veyrac, JL Dupas, JC Delchier, D Laharie, J Moreau, G Cadiot, EH Metman, A Bourreille, JY Mary and the GETAID
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Successive Treatments with Cyclosporine and Infliximab in Severe Ulcerative Colitis (UC).
S Leblanc, M Allez, P Seksik, B Flourie, H Peeters, JL Dupas, G Bouguen, L Peyrin Biroulet, A Bourreille, O Dewit, Y Bouhnik, P F. Michetti, S Chaussade, P de Saussure, JF Colombel, M…
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Infliximab discontinuation in Crohn’s disease patients in stable remission on combined therapy with immunosuppressor : interim analysis of a prospective cohort study.
E Louis, G Vernier-Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, H Pillant, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, R Jian, M De Vos, G Paintaud, E Piver, JF Colombel, JY…
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Cyclosporine a Treatment of Severe Steroid-Refractory Ulcerative Colitis During Pregnancy.
J Branche, A Cortot, A Bourreille, B Coffin, M De Vos, P Seksik, P R. Marteau, M Lémann, JF Colombel and the GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2008_W1222.pdf
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Efficacy of a Third Anti-TNF Monoclonal Antibody in Crohn’s Disease After Failure of Two Other Anti-TNF.
N Mozziconacci, S Vermeire, D Laharie, E Louis, MA Bigard, X Hebuterne, Y Bouhnik, G A. Van Assche, M Lémann, P J. Rutgeerts, JF Colombel, M Allez https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2008_W1244.pdf
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Long Term Follow-Up of a Cohort of Steroid-Dependent Crohn’s Disease Patients Included in a Randomized Trial Evaluating Short Term Infliximab Combined with Azathioprine.
L Costes, JF Colombel, JY Mary, B Duclos, M Veyrac, JL Dupas, JC Delchier, D Laharie, J Moreau, G Cadiot, L Picon, A Bourreille, M Lémann and the GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2008_921.pdf
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Traitement par ciclosporine des poussées sévères de rectocolite hémorragique chez la femme enceinte.
J Branche, A Cortot, A Bourreille, B Coffin, M de Vos, P de Saussure, P Seksik, P Marteau, M Lémann, J Colombel et le GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2008_CO.98.pdf
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Facteurs prédictifs à court terme d’instauration d’un traitement par infliximab chez des patients atteints d’une maladie de Crohn sévère.
C Houdard, I Jaisson – Hot, P Guerre, E Lerebours, B Duclos, A Bourreille, J Dupas, G Cadiot, Y Bouhnik, P Marteau, J Moreau, J Colombel, A Cortot, M Lémann, C Colin, B Flourie…
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Suivi à long terme d’une cohorte de patients inclus dans un essai randomisé évaluant l’infliximab (IFX) associé à l’azathioprine (AZA) dans la maladie de Crohn (MC) corticodépendante.
L Costes, J Colombel, J Mary, B Duclos, M Veyrac, J Dupas, JC Delchier, D Laharie, J Moreau, G Cadiot, L Picon, A Bourreille, M Lémann https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2008_CO.103.pdf
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Efficacité d’une troisième ligne d’anticorps anti-TNF chez des patients ayant une maladie de Crohn après échec de deux autres anti-TNF.
N Mozziconacci, S Vermeire, M Bigard, Y Bouhnik, E Louis, D Laharie, X Hébuterne, G Van Assche, M Lémann, P Rutgeerts, J Colombel, M Allez https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2008_CO.104.pdf
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Risk factors associated with small bowel adenocarcinoma in crohn’s disease a case control study.
G Piton, J Cosnes, E Monnet, L Beaugerie, P Seksik, G Savoye, G Cadiot, B Flourié, P Marteau, M Lémann, JF Colombel, E Khouri, B Bonaz, F Carbonnel https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/Resume_G.Piton_DDW_2007.pdf
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Prevalence of nodular Regenerative hyperplasia in IBD patients treated with Azathioprine.
J Cosnes, L Beaugerie, G Vernier, M Lémann, JF Colombel, JY Mary, JP Gendre, P Seksik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/Resume_J.Cosnes_DDW_2007.pdf
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Hyperplasie nodulaire régénérative sous azathioprine au cours des MICI.
J Cosnes, L Beaugerie, G Vernier, M Lémann, JF Colombel, JY Mary, JP Gendre, P Seksik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/Resume_J.Cosnes_DDW_2007.pdf
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Traitement des fistules anopérinéales dans la maladie de Crohn par injection d’une colle biologique : résultats d’un essai contrôlé randomisé.
JC Grimaud, N Munoz-Bongrand, L Siproudhis, L Abramowitz, Y Panis, V Vitton, L Gambiez, B Flourié, X Hebuterne, E Louis, B Coffin, V De Parades, E Lerebours, JC Soulé, Y Bouhnik, JF Colombel, J…
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Fibrin glue injection for perianal fistulas in Crohn’s disease: a randomized controlled trial
JC Grimaud, N Munoz-Bongrand, L Siproudhis, L Abramowitz, Y Panis, V Vitton, L Gambiez, B Flourié, X Hebuterne, E Louis, B Coffin, V De Parades, E Lerebours, JC Soulé, Y Bouhnik, JF Colombel, J…
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Endoscopic scores of postoperative recurrence in Crohn’s disease: a reproducibility study.
P Bulois; H Coevoet; L Martin; JY Mary; Y Bouhnik; A Ourreille; G Cadiot; F Carbonnel; B Coffin; B Duclos; JL Dupas; D Laharie; E Louis; P Marteau; J Moreau; JC Soulé; JF Colombel;…
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Nodular regenerative hyperplasia with portal hypertension in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with azathioprine.
G Vernier-Massouille; J Cosnes; M Lémann; P Marteau; W Reinisch; D Laharie; G Cadiot; Y Bouhnik; M de Vos; A Boureille; B Duclos; JF Colombel https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/Resume_NRH_Azathioprine_DDW_2006.pdf
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Comparaison de différents scores endoscopiques pour évaluer la sévérité de la récidive postopératoire dans la maladie de Crohn.
L Martin; H Coevoet; P Bulois; JY Mary; Y Bouhnik; A Bourreille; G Cadiot; F Carbonnel; B Coffin; B Duclos; JL Dupas; D Laharie; E Louis; P Marteau; J Moreau; JC Soulé; JF Colombel;…
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Ineffectiveness of Lactobacillus johnsonii LA1 for prophylaxis of postoperative recurrence in Crohn’s disease – A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled.
P Marteau, M Lémann, P Seksik, D Laharie, JF Colombel, Y Bouhnik, G Cadiot, JC Soulé, A Bourreille, EH Metman, E Lerebours, F Carbonnel, JL Dupas, M Veyrac, B Coffin, J Moreau, JY Mary…
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Portal Vein Thrombosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patients: Analysis of a Retrospective Cohort of the GETAID.
C Landman, S Nahon, J Cosnes, Y Bouhnik, G Bouguen, G Cadiot, JF Colombel, G Savoye, B Coffin, V Abitbol, J Filippi, D Laharie, J Moreau, M Veyrac, P Marteau https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2011_SA1335.pdf
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Bronchopulmonary Manifestations in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Retrospective Study From the GETAID.
S Barge, S Feuillet, JM Gornet, J Cosnes, JF Colombel, B Wallaert, D Laharie, Y Bouhnik, A Bourreille, G Savoye, M Allez, A Tazi, M Lémann https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2011_SU1230.pdf
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Cyclosporin Versus Infliximab in Severe Acute Ulcerative Colitis Refractory to Intravenous Steroids: A Randomized Trial.
D Laharie, A Bourreille, J Branche, M Allez, Y Bouhnik, J Filippi, F Zerbib, M Nachury, G Savoye, J Moreau, JC Delchier, E Ricart, J Cosnes, A López-San Román, O Dewit, F Carbonnel, B…
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Clinical Course of Concurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Multiple Sclerosis: Results of a National Multicentre Study.
B Vigneron, J Salleron, C Gower-Rousseau, P Seksik, Y Bouhnik, A Cortot, F Vasseur, M Allez, M Lémann, J Cosnes, JF Colombel and the GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2011_TU1242.pdf
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Grossesse, MICI et anti-TNF : cohorte observationnelle portant sur 120 patientes suivies dans des centres GETAID depuis le 1er janvier 2009.
M Seirafi, X Treton, B de Vroey, J Cosnes, X Roblin, M Allez, P Marteau, A Bourreille, D Laharie, G Savoye, Y Bouhnik, GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2011_CO.30.pdf
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Thromboses du système porte au cours des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin : analyse d’une cohorte médicale rétrospective du GETAID.
C Landman, S Nahon, J Cosnes, Y Bouhnik, H Brixi-Benmansour, G Bouguen, J.-F Colombel, G Savoye, B Coffin, V Abitbol-Selinger, J Filippi, D Laharie, J Moreau, M Veyrac, P Marteau, GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2011_CO.58.pdf
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Essai contrôlé randomisé comparant la ciclosporine à l’infliximab en traitement de la poussée sévère et corticorésistante de rectocolite hémorragique.
D Laharie, A Bourreille, J Branche, M Allez, Y Bouhnik, J Filippi, F Zerbib, M Nachury, G Savoye, J Moreau, J.-C Delchier, E Ricart, J Cosnes, A Lopez-Sanroman, O Dewit, JL Dupas, F Carbonnel,…
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Fecal calprotectin and high sensitivity c-reactive protein levels to predict mucosal healing in patients with Crohn’s disease. A subanalysis of the stori study.
M Lémann, JF Colombel, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, JC Delchier, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamand, G Savoye, R Jian, M Devos, G Vernier-Massouille, G Paintaud, E Piver, JY Mary,…
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Efficacy and safety of retreatment with infliximab after withdrawal under immunosuppressant. A subanalysis of the stori study.
E Louis, G Vernier-Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, H Pillant, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, R Jian, M De Vos, G Paintaud, E Piver, JY Mary, JF…
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Are Anti-TNFS Able to Close Enterocutaneous Fistula in Crohn’s Disease ?
S Vida, P Seksik, X Treton, M Allez, M De Vos, D Laharie, JF Colombel, JC Delchier, V Abitbol, JM Reimund, J Moreau, J Cosnes, M Lémann, B Flourié, Y Bouhnik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2010_T1305.pdf
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Are Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma (SBA) Complicating Crohn’s Disease (CD) Associated With Dysplasia ?
F Wrba, G Piton, J Cosnes, L Beaugerie, S Vermeire, K Geboes, S Ardizzone, P Fociani, G Novacek, JF Colombel, E Leteurtre, Y Bouhnik, D Cazals-Hatem, O Bouché, MD Diebold, JF Flejou, F Carbonne…
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Efficacité des anticorps anti-TNF dans le traitement des fistules entérocutanées compliquant la maladie de Crohn.
V Setakhr, P Seksik, X Treton, M Allez, M Devos, D Laharie, JF Colombel, JC Delchier, V Abitbol-Selinger, JM Reimund, J Moreau, J Cosnes, M Lémann, Y Bouhnik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2010_CO.149.pdf
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Lactobacillus Casei DN-114 001 Strain in the prevention of postoperative recurrence of Crohn’s disease: a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
P Desreumaux, O Dewit, J Belaiche, G Savoye, J Dupas, M Lémann, Y Bouhnik, J Grimaud, F Casellas, J Panes, A Bigard, M De Vos, F Carbonnel, P Marteau, S Vermeire, A Bourreille, J…
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Infliximab Discontinuation in Crohn’s Disease Patients in Stable Remission On Combined Therapy with Immunosuppressors : A Prospective Ongoing Cohort Study.
E Louis, G Vernier-Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, H Pillant, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, R Jian, M De Vos, G Paintaud, E Piver, JF Colombel, JY…
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Psoriasis and Eczema Skin Lesions Associated with TNF-Blockade Therapy in IBD: Natural History and Clinical Characteristics.
JF Rahier, S Buche, L Peyrin Biroulet, M Lémann, M Allez, J Cosnes, Y Bouhnik, E Delaporte, JF Colombel https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2009_S1105.pdf
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Traitement successif par ciclosporine et infliximab au cours des poussées sévères de rectocolite hémorragique.
S Leblanc, M Allez, P Seksik, B Flourie, H Peeters, J Dupas, G Bouguen, L Peyrin-Biroulet, A Bourreille, O Dewit, Y Bouhnik, P Michetti, S Chaussade, P de Saussure, J Colombel, M Lémann https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2009_CO.64.pdf
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Arrêt de l’infliximab dans la maladie de Crohn : analyse intermédiaire d’une étude prospective.
E Louis, G Vernier-Massouille, J Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, J Dupas, H Pillant, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, M Devos, R Jian, G Paintaud, E Piver, J Colombel, JY Mary,…
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Development of the Crohn’s Disease (CD) Digestive Damage Score: The Lémann Score.
B Pariente, JY Mary, JF Colombel, J Cosnes
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Hemophagocytic Syndrome During Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): A Serious and Unfamiliar Complication of Immunosuppressive Therapy.
C Stefanescu, M Allez, G Cadiot, M Fumery, A Amiot, D Laharie, G Savoye, JM Gornet, P Seksik, X Treton, H Duboc, E Fort, C Bloch-Queyrat, Y Bouhnik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2013_TU1137.pdf
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Ipilimumab Colitis: A GETAID Multicentric Study.
L Marthey, C Robert, M Nachury, L Mortier, S Nancey, M de Beauregard, F Grange, C Mateus, F Carbonnel https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2013_MO1318.pdf
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Le syndrome d’activation macrophagique au cours des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI) : une complication grave et peu connue des immunosuppresseurs.
C Stefanescu, M Allez, G Cadiot, M Fumery, A Amiot, D Laharie, G Savoye, JM Gornet, J Cosnes, X Treton, H Duboc, E Fort, C Bloch-Queyrat, Y Bouhnik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2013_CO.107.pdf
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Essai randomisé comparant l’azathioprine d’emblée et l’azathioprine à la demande dans le traitement de la maladie de Crohn de mauvais pronostic : étude RAPID.
J Cosnes, A Bourrier, D Laharie, Y Bouhnik, S Nahon, M Allez, F Carbonnel, JL Dupas, JM Reimund, P Jouet, G Savoye, JC Grimaud , J Moreau, B Duclos, P Marteau, S Schneider, R…
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Les biopsies systématiques sont-elles encore utiles à la détection de dysplasie en cas de surveillance colique par chromo-endoscopie des patients porteurs d’une maladie inflammatoire chronique du côlon ?
D Moussata, M Allez, D Cazals-Hatem, Y Bouhnik, P Bertheau, D Laharie, JM Gornet, A Lavergne Slove, A Bourreille, H Brixi, E Fort, JM Reimund, C Stefanescu, J Branche, AL Pelletier, P Marteau, J…
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Accelerated step-care therapy with early Azathioprine vs conventional step-care therapy in Crohn’s disease. A randomized study.
J Cosnes, A Bourrier, D Laharie, Y Bouhnik, S Nahon, J Bonnet, F Carbonnel, JL Dupas, JM Reimund, P Jouet, G Savoye, JY Mary, JF Colombel https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/UEGW_2012_1.pdf
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Are Random Biopsies Still Useful for the Detection of Intraepithelial Neoplasia in IBD Patients Undergoing Surveillance Colonoscopy With Chromoendoscopy ?
D Moussata, M Allez, D Cazals-Hatem, Y Bouhnik, P Bertheau, D Laharie, JM Gornet, A Lavergne-Slove, A Bourreille, H Brixi, E Fort, JM Reimund, C Stefanescu, J Branche, AL Pelletier, P R. Marteau, J…
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Development of the Crohn’s disease digestive damage score (Lémann score) using the Delphi method.
B Pariente, JY Mary, JF Colombel, J Cosnes https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/UEGW_2012_3.pdf
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Accelerated step-care therapy with early Azathioprine (AZA) vs. conventional step-care therapy in Crohn’s disease. A randomized study.
J Cosnes, A Bourrier, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, S Nahon, J Bonnet, F Carbonnel, J Dupas, R Jean Marie, P Jouet, G Savoye, J Mary, J Colombel and the GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2012_943C.pdf
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Close Monitoring of CRP and Fecal Calprotectin is Able to Predict Clinical Relapse in Patients With Crohn’s Disease in Remission After Infliximab Withdrawal. A Sub-Analysis of the Stori Study.
N de Suray, J Salleron, G Vernier-Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, H Pillant-Le Moult, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, R Jian, M De Vos, E Piver, JF…
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Efficacy of Anti-TNF on Severe Postoperative Endoscopic Recurrence in Crohn’s Disease.
E Boueyre, B Duclos, Y Bouhnik, R Jian, JF Colombel, H Brixi, X Roblin, B Flourié, P R. Marteau, J Filippi, M Allez https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2012_MO1687.pdf
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La protéine C réactive et la calprotectine fécale peuvent-elles prédire la rechute dans la maladie de Crohn ? Une sous-analyse de l’étude STORI.
N de Suray, J Salleron, G Vernier Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, JL Dupas, H Pillant, L Picon, M Veyrac, M Flamant, G Savoye, R Jian, M de Vos, E Piver, JY…
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Efficacité des anti-TNF sur la récidive endoscopique post-opératoire sévère dans la maladie de Crohn.
E Boueyre, B Duclos, Y Bouhnik, R Jian, J.-F Colombel, H Brixi-Benmansour, X Roblin, B Flourié, P Marteau, J Filippi, M Allez, GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/JFHOD_2012_CO.33.pdf
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Les adénocarcinomes de l’intestin grêle compliquant une maladie de Crohn sont associés à des lésions de dysplasie.
M Svrcek, G Piton, J Cosnes, L Beaugerie, S Vermeire, K Geboes, P Cervera, S Dumont, A Sriva, S Ardizzone, P Fociani, G Novacek, F Wrba, JF Colombel, E Leteurtre, Y Bouhnik, D Cazals-Hatem,…
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Anti-TNF Therapy and Pregnancy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study From the GETAID.
M Seirafi, X Treton, B De Vroey, J Cosnes, X Roblin, M Allez, P Marteau, M De Vos, M Flamant, D Laharie, G Savoye, L Peyrin-Biroulet, H Brixi-Benmansour, N Mathieu, Y Bouhnik https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2011_1057.pdf
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Crohn’s Disease Associated Dysbiosis as a Predictive Factor of Clinical Relapse: A Microbiological Substudy of the GETAID-STORI Cohort.
S Rajca, V Grondin, E Louis, G Vernier-Massouille, JC Grimaud, Y Bouhnik, D Laharie, G Paintaud, E Piver, JY Mary, M Lémann, H Sokol, JF Colombel, P Seksik and the GETAID https://www.getaid.org/images/publications/DDW_2011_207.pdf
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